
Scores for Living Room
One Director / Others participants

Required Prop: Largest available soft item (pillow, cushion, stuffed animal)

Intention: personify the plush item and have it take on your emotions/ experiences

Tone: this is SO close to a therapy session tool that I want to be very careful in development. . . let it be fun, easy, and humorous

WHAT TO DO: Work out the scenarios with your prop/puppet, it is not you doing these things (total displacement), have an almost apologetic air to it as if you can’t help what the prop is doing. Take turns being director and choose what scenario speaks to you:

– needs to cuddle, seeking contact
– getting someone out of your spot and/ or trying to
– being nosy getting into things (they shouldn’t?)
– being some other version of selfish or rude

PARTICIPANTS: Play out the scenario and try different possible reactions, allow it to be ridiculous and degrade into general silliness